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Consider these words from Psalm 145
‘I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever.
Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever’
(A moment of silence )
Creator God, we glimpse your beauty
in setting sun, mountain top, eagle’s wing.
We sense your power in thunder crash,
lightning flash and ocean’s roar.
Creator God we praise you
Precious Jesus, we see your love
stretched out upon a cruel cross.
We stand in awe at your sacrifice,
pure love poured out for humankind.
Precious Jesus we praise you
Holy Spirit, we see your power
in lives transformed, hearts on fire.
We listen for your still, small voice,
comforting, guiding, calling.
Holy Spirit we praise you
To my words ‘Every day I will praise you’ would you respond ‘And extol your name for ever’
From the moment we awake
to face the day ahead,
you are with us,
through good times and bad,
Your presence enough for our needs.
Every day I will praise you
And extol your name for ever
Through the hours of the day,
in our travels and work,
you are with us;
in decisions we must make,
Your wisdom enough for our needs.
Every day I will praise you
And extol your name for ever
As we lay down to rest
at the end of the day,
you are with us,
as we lay our fears at your feet,
Your peace enough for our needs.
Every day I will praise you
And extol your name for ever